2012 was a busy year for us…as it should be, being the 20th anniversary year. Jana Branecka was now living in Bridgwater and working with the admin for the projects. We stepped up our multi tracked approach of students, choirs, footballers, civic links and tourists. We worked mainly with the Czech Republic but also links with Italy, France, Slovenia and Hungary strengthened. New links with the USA were forged by Antonin opening an office in Boston
27 Feb -2 March Richard Huish college trip to Hungary -Budapest & Sarvar, led by Richard Bethell
23-27 March Slovenian media students visit Bridgwater
26 May -9 June Don & Colleen from Connecticut USA do a tour of Ireland
13-20 June Draha Scot – Czechs from Moravia tour Scotland
21-27 June Eva Kordova group tours the South and West of England
4-7 July KatkaCanal – Family Brouci take a canal trip and then a tour of Cornwall
14-21 August Zdena Biggsova tour of Somerset and Cornwall
4-9 September 20th Anniversary trip to Czech Republic. This included a visit to the CSSD party in Prague and in UH and also with UH council and Altech, where a football match was held. We also took part in the UH wine festival.
11-24 Sept Arabska School , Prague, now led by Pavla Pracnerova, visits Bridgwater and continues on tour of Wales
23-27 Sarvar Hungarians visit Bridgwater
5-8 October Yvettes Voice of the People trip to La Ciotat
12-25 October Dagmar and a Family centre project in Bridgwater plus a tour of Wales
5-9 November Mino and College media students to Priverno
9-20 November Brian and Antonin travel to Boston (USA) and include New York and Bridgewater, Mass.