Well, Bridgwater has SOME links to the USA. As of course many British ‘olde worlde’ towns do. There’s 13 BridgEwaters across the US but the one we like best is Bridgewater Massachusetts which we got backĀ  in touch with again after our ‘Black lives Matters’ campaigns connected up online. Bridgwater-the first town to petition against slavery was also famous for sending a petition to our Massachusetts partner town after the visit here by rebel Slave Fred Douglass in 1846. So no surprised that 2019 saw the light of freedom held high once more in both our towns.

Black Lives Matter


Bridgwater of course has ANOTHER US twin town and that’s SEATTLE in Washington state. This came about through the Joe Strummer link. Joe, the leader of the UK punk band the Clash lived near Bridgwater and Seattle radio station KEXP runs an annual Clash day. Each year they link up with us and one year the Mayor of Seattle actually signed a twinning charter.


Bridgewater Massachusetts (and a bit of NYC)

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