In 2007 our mainstays were football and choirs. This year the Voice of the people Choir went to Poland. To the city of Krakow where we were developing particularly good links.

But in fact 2007 was an incredibly busy year . Apart from taking Yvettes Voice of the People Choir to Krakow we also took a Rock Tour (with added football) to the Czech republic, the UNISON footballers to Montenegro-staying at Hercog Novi with Czech team Altech, Wetook Bridgwater College Counsellors to Prague, Newcastle social work students to Prague and Exeter University to Prague.

Ragged Trousered Philantrhopists

Amongst all this we took Frome based theatre ensemble doing Sgt Pepper to Czech and Krakow. We took Cornish klezmer band THE RAGGED TROUSERED PHILANTHROPISTS to Czech, Slovakia and Poland and our usual Richard Huish Tour, this time to Prague.

Labyrint the Czech choir came to Bridgwater, Anna Kroutl brought a group of Ceske Budejovice Czechs on a round Scotland tour and Dr Soucek came to Bridgwater with his Arabska students from Prague

Our big trip of the year was the Plymouth University EDUCATION RESIDENTIAL in Ceske Budejovice and an influential trip was the Uherske Hradiste teachers visit to Bridgwater which introduced us to Jana Branecka.

I personally also found time to take some old friends on a tour of Salamanca in Spain and do some work for ex Sedgemoron Lianne Bruce touring the Milkshake theatre group (Pepa Pig) to various Butlins (Bognor, Skegness and Minehead).

And this was also the year we took Jessica Healey and family on a tour of Czech, Slovakia and Poland.

Our old friend Eva Kordova again brought Ceske Budejovice students to Bridgwater and Jana Branecka started a link up with her Buchlovice school.

Finally in October we travelled to UH to celebrate 750 years of their town and this was the group we took

Jana Branecka

Cllr PHILIP SMEED (Mayor of Bridgwater) + Mrs UTE SMEED
Mr.ALAN  HURFORD (Bridgwater Town Clerk)+ Mrs PAMELA  HURFORD
Cllr KEN  RICHARDS  (Sedgemoor District & Bridgwater Town Council) + Mrs MARGO RICHARDS

Cllr BRIAN SMEDLEY (Sedgemoor District Council & Secretary Bridgwater Czech Slovak Friendship Soc)

Katka Petrosova (Czech guide and interpretor)

Chris Gill (Bridgwater Journalist)

and we were very grateful for all the health that our new friend and worker Jana branecka was providing….

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